The fundamentals of event… “Parampara & Beyond”

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After devoting a great deal of time and thought ultimately the musical event “Parampara & Beyond” was presented with thumping success and phenomenal positive feedback. The intent was clear with us, we need to give tribute to the masters of yesteryear music composers, but, the selection was herculean task. To a large extent judgements are a matter of personal taste conditioned by one’s intellectual or cultural background. After lot of debate we could derive at consensus on a common list of music directors who had a proper sense of values in music and whose efforts deserve praise.

Music in our country is associated with religion and we live with great composers when we listen to their compositions. The Saints and the Seers pour out their feelings in the language of music which is language of unity and harmony. This program is with objective to bring together musicians of different parts of India on same platform and to be frank our efforts did achieve the required quality output as well as being appreciated by target audience.

Once the plan was in place, we jumped from drawing board to the field for requirement of a spacious and beautiful auditorium, which should be with the spirit of our feelings in fine arts. In this respect our creative director came up with various options and we chose GD Birla Sabhaghar which was located in prime location, having state of art acoustics, as well as had the capacity to house the expected huge turnout.

Then came the ultimate test, the manifestation of our rehearsals into reality on the D-Day of the event. Every one of the team was sure on one point to establish, we will not play the same music as created by the great music directors, but, we will present our own composition and the audience will be intelligent enough to understand that though the spirit of the song remains same, the vibrations are different with a peculiar passion of pursuit of beauty aroused in the performance.

Last but not the least, no event can be successful without the thanksgiving. The support of the entire team from my co-star Sujoy Prasad, script writer, musicians, creative director, stage craftsmen, sound & light engineer, the production team members, our PR partner Dreamers, our online ticket booking vendors and the sponsors of the event, thanks everyone for working with us as a team. Thank you very much for making the event a grand success.